Don't you just hate when all of a sudden you have a mind fart and you completely forget the password to gain access to your account. Well, my apologies to those who venture to this blog from time to time and have found that it has not been kept up to date.But here I am again with my password in hand and plenty to tell.
Below are a few of the Sea Birds that followed us south this summer season. The trip on the RSV Aurora Australis was relatively calm. The wild life especially the birds was great for us who photograph. I've included here some of my endeavours. I've found that I could use more practice shooting birds on the wing from a moving rolling and pitching boat. These are just a few of what a "Shot" and will include the others now I have a password. Hope to get my video of the trip up and online soon. Well, here's hoping anyway.
Antarctic Petrel |
Black-browed Albatross |
Giant Southern Petrel and Snow Petrel (Bloody Big Bird) |
Giant Southern Petrel |
Sooty Albatross |
Royal Albatross |
Royal Albatross |
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